


CIU’s 双录取 program gives high school students the opportunity to get a head start on their college degree. Students can take any 1000 or 2000 level course at the reduced cost of $100 per credit hour. Participating in the dual enrollment experience helps ease the transition from high school to college and will prepare students for the academic rigor of college courses.


  • 提交网上申请
  • Before starting your application, it is helpful to have the following items handy:
    • 你的社会安全号码
    • 你父母的澳门新葡京娱乐
  • 应用程序指令
    • 当开始我们的申请过程, 系统将提示您创建一个应用程序门户帐户. Please use an email that you check frequently as important updates will be communicated via this address.
    • 创建门户登录后, 你将开始一个新的校园高中并发申请. For students only taking online courses, this is still the correct application for you.
    • Please ensure all information is correct before submitting your completed application.
    • 一旦申请被提交, 我们的招生顾问会和你联系下一步的步骤.
  • 平均绩点要求
    • High school sophomores, juniors, and seniors may participate in dual enrollment. 所有学生被录取的GPA要求是3分.在未称重秤上为0.
  • 发送记录
    • 正式成绩单可通过电子邮件发送至 admissions@88youxiluntan.com 或邮寄到蒙蒂塞洛路7435号招生办公室.,哥伦比亚,南卡罗来纳州29203.
    • 我们必须有正式的成绩单来审核录取申请. An official transcript is one that comes directly from a school representative or homeschool association.

双录取 students are responsible for registering themselves for their desired courses. 这将通过你的学生门户网站 MyCIU. 接受后,您将通过电子邮件收到您的登录信息.

  • 课程注册:
  • While students are able to register for any 1000 and 2000 level course some of our course selections have prerequisite requirements. 这将在注册时注明. 如果你觉得你已经满足了先决条件要求, 联系学术咨询或你的招生顾问.
  • 付款s for dual enrollment course(s) are due before the first day of classes for the semester.
    • Bills can be accessed and resolved online through MyCIU under the Finances tab.
    • 付款可以全额支付,也可以按月支付.
  • 实体教科书的邮寄费用会列在账单上.
  • Some courses may have an additional course fee for supplemental course material.



  • Upon acceptance to CIU, students will receive access to their online student account, MyCIU, 他们可以在哪里注册他们的课程, 访问他们的学生邮箱, 解决他们的法案.
  • Canvas
    • Canvas是一个包含所有注册课程的课程网站. 课程教学大纲, 导师信息, 和其他课程信息可以通过Canvas访问, 在线课程将使用Canvas来获取大部分学习内容.
    • Canvas can be accessed through your MyCIU account with the Canvas link at the top. Your MyCIU username and password will be the same login information for Canvas.
  • CIU的电子邮件
    • Students receive access to their student email shortly after they are accepted to CIU’s 双录取 program.
    • The student email can be accessed through MyCIU with the email link at the top.
    • The first time the email is accessed, students will be prompted through an authentication process.
    • Many students choose to forward their CIU email to their personal or school email account to ensure they do not miss any updates.
资源 & 服务
  • 校历
  • 教材信息
    • 数字教科书可以通过登录您的MyCIU帐户访问, 转到快速链接菜单, 选择书店, and entering your CIU email as your username and your Student ID as your password.
    • Physical textbooks will be mailed to the address listed on the student’s application and must be returned at the end of the course with the label provided.
  • 双录取学生可以享受以下学生服务:
    • CIU图书馆资源、印刷、辅导、学生中心和健身房等.
    • Students must request a student ID though the CIU Helpdesk to access most services.
  • Parking decals for on-campus students are required and can be accessed through MyCIU (校园生活>Vehicle 登记).
  • The FERPA is a permission to access records form, and it is on the dual enrollment application. If edits need to be made, it can be accessed through MyCIU under the 学者 tab.




这取决于你是参加面对面的还是在线的课程. 面对面的课程在哥伦比亚的CIU校园进行, SC和在整个星期的特定时间举行. 我们的在线课程是异步的, meaning students can complete things on their own schedule but within a certain time frame.


The cost of dual enrollment is $100 per credit hour or $300 for a three-credit course.

参与双重招生可能是一个很大的承诺, 因此,在入学前确定这是你的正确选择是很重要的. 然而, 对于那些积极主动,准备好迎接挑战的学生, dual enrollment can be a great way to get a head start on college and gain valuable experience. If you have any questions about the dual enrollment program at Columbia International University, 不要犹豫,联系招生办公室,地址是 admissions@88youxiluntan.com 或(803)807-5024了解更多信息.


学生只有在成绩为D或D以下的情况下才能重修一门课程. 最后的成绩成为记录的成绩, and only the credits for the last grade earned count toward the student’s record of completed credits.


是的, students can withdraw from their dual enrollment course by completing a Course Withdrawal Request Form in MyCIU. 每个学期的退课截止日期可以在我们的网站上找到 校历.


学生每学期最多可以修12个学分. 如果学生希望获得超过12个学分, they will need to contact the Registrar’s Office and have special permission from their school.


我们不提供助理课程, but students can connect with an Academic Advisor to discuss courses that might apply towards an AA. Students will be subject to any changes in the university 目录 and may need additional credits to earn the degree.


成绩单 can easily be requested by clicking on the “学者” tab in MyCIU.




是的,我们的一些双注册课程可以在网上获得. 请参阅我们的课程设置文件以查看具体课程. 虚拟课程将以课程代码中的“V”表示.


CIU在夏季确实有课程,但提供的课程可能有限. 你可以在这里按学期查看可用的课程.


Dual enrollment students can use many of CIU’s facilities and will need to request a student ID at our IT Help Desk in the 图书馆. 如果学生想在自助餐厅用餐, they can add funds to their ID card either in-person or on the dining hall website.


是的, the credits earned through dual enrollment are generally transferable to other colleges and universities. It’s a good idea to check with the college you plan to attend to confirm that the credits will be accepted.